Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Results Day - Experience and Advice

Results day is almost upon us, I think I've had the date etched on my brain for about 12 months. This Thursday (or next if your waiting for GCSE results) all will be revealed and we'll find out whether it was worth all the hard work. Looking back on the exam period, I realise it was probably the most serious, stressful and important two months of my life so far. It's so daunting to imagine how different my life could be depending on how hard I work now- and it's even crazier that our lives are shaped by these tests which are over within an hour and a half time slot.  Right now I'm feeling an uncomfortable combination of anxiety and impatience- everyone's in the same boat. 

Our results could go either way, and I really hope I'm the Beyoncé on the left! What I am confident in, is the fact that I worked myself into exhaustion back in May/June- I honestly feel like I couldn't have done anymore. I remember feeling tired, worn out, and irritated at the fact I couldn't just watch a film, or spend the day with friends. Most of my day was dedicated to revising, and even when I was resting, quotes and theories were swirling around my head. In other words, if my results are disappointing, that's just the way it's meant to be.

I remember my GCSE results day, when we were give a brown envelope with our final grades written down a tiny column inside. This year is different though, because my sixth form are sending our results via email at 7.30am. That means I'll read them blurry eyed from my bed, probably after limited sleep. In a way I wish we HAD to go into college, there's something about getting your results the old fashioned way and seeing them printed next to your name which feels more rewarding. Either way, I'll just be happy to finally know how I've done. 

I'm also preparing myself for results day as a whole. Searching through twitter to see how everyone else has done. Texting my friends and hopefully all being able to celebrate. Running though the house in the early hours announcing my grades to annoy and relieve my parents who are secretly more nervous than me. 

I've thought of a few general tips for the day myself- 
1) Don't boast; nobody likes a show off. This doesn't mean however, that you can't be proud of yourself. You've worked for it, you're allowed to be happy. Make sure your facebook status sounds more relieved than obnoxious, but also avoid mock modesty such as "I don't know how I did it... maybe the examiner got my papers mixed up with someone else's!" Just tell it how it is, people will be happy for you nonetheless.

2) Don't wallow in self pity. If it hasn't gone to plan, do not freak out. It isn't the end of the world as we know it, there are so many opportunities for you. Academic study is not for everyone, I can assure you. No matter how patronising it sounds, you probably are suited to something different that you haven't tried yet. You're a teenager, not 55- you don't have to find your way in life just yet. If you end up going to a different university, or even not going at all- this could be the best thing that's ever happened to you.

3) Talk to your friends and family. You've gone though it all together, and it's important not to forget about the people close to you. If someone you know doesn't give a clear answer to what they've got though, don't push them. Not everyone wants to publish their life and story online, some things are private and personal- let it go. Be supportive and tactful no matter what the outcome. 

4) CELEBRATE! We definitely deserve to let our hair down after months of panic and stress. Remember all those restless nights worrying about exams and revision, it's all over and it's finally time to let loose. See your friends, go out for a meal with your family, do whatever it is that you love. I'll probably be doing all of the above, results day should be a day of celebrating all of the hard work you've put in no matter the outcome of the exam. 

Good luck in your results and remember, what's done is done. There's nothing we can do to alter our results now... hope everything goes to plan for you! 


(shamless self promo) On another note, thankyou to everyone who's read my blog so far and is retweeting my links etc. If you have a gmail account, please follow my blog- I've enabled members down in the side bar! 


  1. I'm loving this blog! Your writing style is really nice :) I just got my results too and I'm off to uni this September! (V. Daunting) Well done on the results! x

    1. Good luck at Uni! I'm studying english so the fact you commented on my writing style makes me smile haha! Thankyou x

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. really glad you liked it, and thankyou- i'm so haopy with the result i got! thanks for the follow, i'll check yours out x

    2. So sorry I had to delete my earlier post as the link to my blog that I posted had a typo and was directing it to a different site.

  3. Poor you getting yours by email, I wouldn't dare open it in bed by myself! We still go in but I was away so had to deal with everyone knowing theirs and myself not, it was stressful! Well done with your results! x

    1. They came through an hour earlier than expected too, very scary haha! Hope you were happy with yours?x

  4. Hey Liam, I was wondering if you pay for the images that you use (celebrities) I am trying to find a way not to get sued.
